Saturday, 13 August 2016

How to Form Rich Lather

One of the key things you will need to acquaint yourself with if you are a wet shaver is how to make a good, rich lather. It seems a whole lot easy when thinking about it but in practice, many men just waste the shaving cream and may still not arrive at the desired consistency, richness, and quantity.

Soak Your Badger Brush

Get your shaving mug in place or wherever you hope to form the lather in. Fill with hot water and allow your badger brush to sit in it for a few minutes. This will help loosen the bristles a bit and prep them for what lies ahead.

Shake the Brush

Take out the brush and throw away the hot water from the mug. Shake the badger brush to remove water contents lodged between its bristles.

Take Up the Shaving Cream

Using the wet badger brush, take up your cream with the brush tips. You do not need to apply much pressure as this will bend or break the bristles with time. Take up the cream in a circular motion.

Form Lather in the Mug

The mug should be empty of the hot water that once sat in it. Place the brush with cream on its tips into the mug. Swirl in a circular motion and if there is need for it, add few drops of water. Too much water will prevent good lathering and lead to wastage of the shaving cream.

Apply to Your Face

The lather formed should be thick and rich. Using the same badger shaving brush, gently apply the lather to your face. Once again, application should be done in a circular motion. This will help in evenly spreading the cream onto the beards and also aid the exfoliation process.

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