Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Badger Brush vs Synthetic Brush

The shaving brush is unarguably one of the key components for shaving. Yet the brush is yet to get the prominence it so deserves. No matter how good a shaving cream may be, it takes the power of the shaving brush to create that good lather. When it comes to shaving brushes, there are several choices available for shaving men. This variety is as a result of the difference in material, loft, shape, size, and density. The most distinguishing factor of shaving brush will have to be the hair material.

The badger hair is the best type of hair for shaving brushes. This is because the hair’s intrinsic properties make it ideal for all a shaving brush should represent. The badger hair has excellent water retention abilities and this makes it great in lather formation. The badger hair has bristles that are able to hold and evenly spread lather with little pressure.

Synthetic brush has been around for quite a long time. It is usually the choice for individual that do not want 100% natural hair. The synthetic brush was not a preferred choice because it has problems with proper water retention. Over the years, the brush has been improved to give it a better water retention feature. The brush is usually cheaper than the badger but takes a longer time to hydrate. If you are looking for a great shaving brush, then the badger hair has got no equal. If you are on a low budget, then you may want to settle with the synthetic brush.

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